happy birthday

Saturday, January 10, 2009

24 years ago today my lovely wife entered this world, and as such my life, making this one of my most favorite days of the year. I have been celebrating this day every year with lovely wife for 5 years now. So happy birthday Shelli! You are my everything. Thank you for being the most amazing, loving, understanding, supportive, compassionate, indescribably wonderful wife ever! I in no way deserve someone as beautiful and special as you, but don't think that for a second I don't thank God for how grateful I am for you. Words just aren't good enough.

So from the little Kangaroo growing inside, to the little crazy puppy chewing up the house, and from the extremely handsome husband (hey! don't laugh), we love you - our amazing mom, wife and friend. Happy Birthday! 

I love you!!


allegri said...

And I love her too! Happy Birthday Shelli!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Michelle didn't feel good on her specail day. Love you